Saturday, January 15, 2005


科技發達,現在人們已經可在PDA上寫Blog,真的要向那些無私的軟件開發人致敬。在他們的努力下,freeware對用家便多了一重意義-除了免費外,還有表達的自由(freedom to share)。
相 信我這一代的香港人都和我一樣,對祖國的認知是由「六四」開始。現在回想,當時是把事情看得太簡單,想得太浪漫了。但無論怎樣說,這件事的發生,的的確確 影響了我對中國的認知。不管現在中國的國力怎樣的强大,中央政府怎樣的努力改善,一日不把六四那天的真相交代,一日我們還是活在昔日的謊言中,所聽見的承 諾亦只能半信半疑。

Sunday, January 02, 2005

New Year Resolution

Today is one of the coldest New Year Day ever in Hong Kong. So, I thank God that when my wife and I went to the Golden Coast for our annual New Year Resolution meeting, the sun was probably the brightest within these few days.

2004 was a year with lots of surprises. As an exemple, buying a new apartment changed a lot of our original planning for the first half of the year. When we looked back, we are far from when we wanted us to be on 1/1/2004, which I guess is a norm to most of us.

Looking forward to 2005, our goal is pretty much the same: spiritually, we want to be closer to God; physically, get fit; socially, be more involved in fellowship. The difference between last year resolution and this year's one is - We are getting more down to earth. Setting the goal more achievable, hopefully we can get closer to our target at the end of the year.

I wish all of us a healthy, fruitful 2005 with less disater, less war.

Happy New Year.